Audio for our 10 am service for 01-27-2019, Family Service for the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany Recorded tracks: 1) Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer 2) 1st Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 (Lydia Wilderman) 3) Psalm: Psalm 19 (Ethan Hanzlik) 4) 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:21-31a (Lydia Wilderman) 5) Gospel: Luke 4:14-21 (Rev. Brian Blayer) 6) Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer)
Dear Friends:
It has been an exciting week―not good but exciting. Yesterday afternoon a sprinkler head/pipe burst in the storage closet by the nursery. Water from a 2-inch pipe flowed rapidly down the hall into all three rooms in the back hall. The church office was awash as was the kitchen and parts of Goodwin Hall. Fire Department arrived to shut off main water value and P and J Sprinkler had a quick response. As of this morning, the only power in the offices are the ceiling lights (read no heat) and the carpeting is squishy with water. ServPro was here yesterday to do an assessment and is now working on cleaning up the mess. Large fans are being set up throughout the lower level. Power cannot be restored until some of the water has been pulled out of carpets. The insurance adjuster will be here on Monday. In other news:
Dear Friends:
It appears winter is about to make an appearance. Rev. Brian does not plan to cancel church on Sunday. If it is safe to drive, put on those warm boots and go forth. Here is the news of the week and, for January in the Quiet Corner, it is anything but.
Stay safe with the coming weather challenges, please. Best wishes, Linda Audio for St. Mark’s Chapel’s 10 am service for 01-13-2019, the 1st Sunday after the Epiphany Recorded tracks:
Dear Friends:
Here is the news of the week:
Audio for St. Mark’s Chapel’s 10 am service for 01-06-2019,The Epiphany of Our Lord. Recorded tracks: Welcoming remarks and highlighting of announcements by Rev. Brian Blayer 1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Acey Neel) 2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:1-12 (Acey Neel) Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (Rev. Brian Blayer) Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer) Dear Friends:
Happy New Year! This Sunday is the last chance to sing Christmas Carols until next December. The Three Kings will arrive bringing their gifts as part of the celebration of the Epiphany. Here is the news of the week:
Best wishes, Linda |
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