(St. Mark's Choir)The recordings are from the 10 am service on 02-02-2020 at St. Mark's Chapel. Fr. Jim Kellaway was filling in for Rev. Brian, who was with a group of UConn, Yale and Trinity College students on retreat at Camp Washington. Rev. Jim was unfamiliar with the portable microphone and didn’t turn it on, so there is no recording of the Gospel. A printed copy of the Gospel, Luke 2:22-40, accompanies the recordings. Recorded tracks: 1st Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 (Harry Evageliou) 2nd Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 (Harry Evageliou) Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 (Text) Sermon (Rev. Jim Kellaway) Communion Anthem: Lord God, You Now Have Set Your Servant Free (St. Mark's Choir)
Here's the latest News of the Week!
https://mailchi.mp/dc0ef02ce1d1/weekly-announcements-january-31-2020 An equipment problem made it impossible to record the readings at the service. Here are links to the text of the readings and Rev. Brian's sermon. I apologize for the inconvenience.
The sermon and accompanying readings at St. Mark's Chapel's service for 01-19-2020, the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany. >> Greeting, Highlighting Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) >> 1st Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7 (Laurie Gypson) >> 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 (Laurie Gypson) >> Gospel: John 1:29-42 (Rev. Brian Blayer) >> Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer)
Click HERE for the News of the Week for 1-17-2020
The sermon and accompanying readings at St. Mark's Chapel's service for 01-12-2020, celebrating the Baptism of our Lord, Jesus. Greeting, Highlighting Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) 1st Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9 (Harry Evageliou) Psalm: Psalm 29 2nd Reading: Acts 10:34-43(Harry Evageliou) Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17 (Rev. Brian Blayer) Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer)
Here's the News of the Week from St. Mark's Chapel:
https://mailchi.mp/364fd30c414d/weekly-announcements-january-10-2020?e=ed78b9badf The sermon and accompanying readings at St. Mark's Chapel's service for 01-05-2020, celebrating the Epiphany. 1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 (Sudie Evageliou) 2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:1-12 (Sudie Evageliou) Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 (Rev. Brian Blayer) Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer) There are no church bulletin announcements this week.
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