03-28-2021 Palm Sunday Morning Prayer Service Audio Clips Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Harry Evageliou was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (soloist) and Charles Houmard (organ). The participants for the reading of the Passion were Harry and Sudie Evageliou, Brian Blayer, Madison Day and Lauren Boulay. UConn student Lauren Boulay was the videographer of the Facebook Live feed. Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Recordings:
Video of the entire Morning Prayer Service for 03-28-21, Palm Sunday. This includes a reading of the Passion. The link to St. Mark's Weekly Announcements. It will open in a new browser window or tab.
Pastor Bruce Steinway officiated. Parishioner David Sykes was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (soloist) and Charles Houmard (organ and piano). Parishioner Madison Day was the videographer of the Facebook Live feed. Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Audio Tracks:
Video of the Sunday Morning Prayer Service. This was our monthly Lutheran Sunday, so Pastor Bruce Steinway officiated, using the Lutheran prayer service.
Morning Prayer Service Readings, Homily, Music - The 4th Sunday of Lent Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Sue Gagnon was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (soloist) and Charles Houmard (organ and piano). Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Audio Tracks:
St. Mark's Weekly Announcements for March 12. The link opens in a new browser tab or window. The service booklets for Sunday's Morning Prayer Service and our organist/music director's Lenten Meditations program. 03-07-2021 Morning Prayer Service Announcements, Readings, Homily, Music
Rev. Brian Blayer officiated. Parishioner Bruce Steinway was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (singer) and Charles Houmard (organ). Parishioner David Doiron recorded the service's audio with the church’s sound system and recording equipment and edited the recorded tracks. Audio Tracks:
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