![]() Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Facebook Live Video https://ia601407.us.archive.org/20/items/20200412EasterSundayStMarksChapel/2020-04-12StMarks-EasterSunday.mp4 Easter Vigil Facebook Live Video of Outdoor "Drive-In" Service https://ia601401.us.archive.org/33/items/20200411EasterVigilStMarks/2020-04-11StMarks-EasterVigil.mp4 Please join us for our Drive-in Services this weekend! The Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday information Web page link: https://mailchi.mp/0721de95b188/maundy-thursday-good-friday-information-4805398?e=2a036a732c Holy Week Good Friday Drive-In (Weather permitting*) 8 PM Instructions will be given when you show up for the drive-in. No one will be allowed out of their cars and no communion will be provided. This is our way of getting together while keeping everyone safe. Hope to see you there! * Please check Facebook or call a friend at 5:00 PM to check if the Good Friday Service will be in the parking lot. If the weather is bad and the Drive-In is canceled you can still watch the service on Facebook Live. Watch On: Facebook: StMarks Chapel (You must like our page in order to view the live stream) https://www.facebook.com/stmarks.storrs.1 April 10, 2020 - News of the Week St. Mark's physical doors are closed, but there's still a lot going on with the parish. Here's your weekly news for 04-10-2020. https://mailchi.mp/d99934d8976c/weekly-announcements?e=2a036a732c Stations of the Cross - Wednesday, April 8, 8 pm CLICK HERE FOR THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS BULLETIN ZOOM INFORMATION: Topic: St Marks Storrs' Stations of the Cross Time: Apr 8, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Zoom Meeting Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/224826850?pwd=c0F3OVk2SnlVVHptOGM1T1B1STVJdz09 Meeting ID: 224 826 850 Password: 016330 ![]()
![]() Apr. 5, 2020 - Palm Sunday/Holy Week 04-05-20 Palm Sunday Service Video.mp4 Download File (Left click the link to play the video. Right click to download the video.) 04-03-2020 Here's the link to the weekly announcements from St. Mark's Chapel. You should be able to see the page in any browser. If you have any problems, please post a comment, and I'll investigate it. - Dave https://mailchi.mp/13709968df68/weekly-announcements?e=2a036a732c ![]()
Mar. 29, 2020 - The 5th Sunday in Lent I've extracted the soundtrack from Rev. Brian's morning prayer service on Mar. 29, 2020, the 5th Sunday in Lent. I've processed the readings, announcements, and Rev. Brian's reflection/sermon as I have been doing for our customary Sunday services. The church doesn't have "open doors" due to a ban on public gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it still has "open hearts and open minds." - Dave >> Greeting, Announcements (Rev. Brian Blayer) https://archive.org/download/20200329StMarksLent5/2020-03-29Lent5-Greet.mp3 >> Reading1: Romans 8:6-11 (Rev. Brian Blayer) https://archive.org/download/20200329StMarksLent5/2020-03-29Lent5-Read1.mp3 >> Reading2: John 11:1-45 (Rev. Brian Blayer) https://archive.org/download/20200329StMarksLent5/2020-03-29Lent5-Read2.mp3 >> Sermon (Rev. Brian Blayer) https://archive.org/download/20200329StMarksLent5/2020-03-29Lent5-Sermon.mp3 March 27, 2020 Here's the latest news from St. Mark's Chapel, including St. Mark's Drive-In Church! https://mailchi.mp/73d255014768/weekly-announcements-32720?e=2a036a732c ![]() News of the Week I'm playing a little catchup with this posting from Mar. 20, but the information is still current. The link to the email file; https://mailchi.mp/fa87ebe9ea64/weekly-newsletter?e=2a036a732c Comments are closed.
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