Deuteronomy 6:6-7 reads: These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
We believe that in Jesus Christ’s teaching his disciples to care for the children we have an example set before us to nurture and care for the youth of our church in order that they may know the wonders of Creation and the joys of serving Jesus Christ. Our Youth Formation program begins with nursery care available to parents who may want to use this service during Sunday prayer time. For the youngest, we have the Godly Play program which encourages participation and wonder from the participants. After this, we continue with a traditional Sunday school program where our instructors aim to creatively engage all in the group inviting them into a time of exploring their faith, its stories, and the impact it might have on their lives. High school aged participants are encouraged to serve in church on Sundays in any capacity or to assist in Sunday school.
Our youth from middle school and high school grow together through regular, age appropriate events and trips which invite them to practice their faith through team building, learning about the history of Christianity, and volunteering to help those in need. Some of these activities include: retreat weekends, trips to St. John the Divine in New York City, and the local ropes challenge course. |
Children’s Christian Education at St. Mark’s takes place Sunday mornings during the first half of the 10am service. Children are divided into age-appropriate classrooms which are led by parents and parish volunteers. Through storytelling, games, discussion, art, and journaling, the children explore and experience Bible stories and learn about Episcopal traditions. Each month, all children of the parish gather together for their own chapel service.
Sunday School allows children to explore the readings from the service in creative and engaging ways. They re-join the adults for the second half of the worship service, when we celebrate Holy Communion. |
The fact that all ages are hearing the same stories in different ways on Sunday morning gives parents the opportunity to talk with their children about what they each learned in church that day.
Sunday school is in session from September through May. Children also participate in special events throughout the church year, such as the Christmas Pageant, Advent Wreath making, and a variety of other seasonal activities. We encourage parents to help children participate in the weekly collection which goes to a worthwhile cause so that children learn the value of generosity.
Sunday school is in session from September through May. Children also participate in special events throughout the church year, such as the Christmas Pageant, Advent Wreath making, and a variety of other seasonal activities. We encourage parents to help children participate in the weekly collection which goes to a worthwhile cause so that children learn the value of generosity.