The audio recordings for St. Mark's monthly Lutheran Morning Prayer Service on Feb. 21. Parishioner and retired Lutheran Pastor Bruce Steinway officiated. Parishioner David Sykes was the lector. Music was provided by UCONN student and St. Mark’s scholar Angela Garcia-Clark (singer) and Charles Houmard (organ). Madison Day was the videographer. The audio was processed using the church’s sound system and recording equipment. Recorded tracks: ▪ Prelude: 618 (BWV) O Lamb of God, Most Stainless (J.S. Bach) ▪ Greeting, Announcements (Rev. Bruce Steinnway) ▪ First Hymn: Lord Jesus, Think on Me (Synesius of Cyrene, 375-430 Translator:SOUTHWELL) ▪ 2nd Hymn: O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days (Words: Claudia Frances Hernaman, Music: St. Flavian, melody from Day’s Psalter, 1562) ▪ Lesson 1: Jeremiah 15:15-21 (Dave Sykes) ▪ Lesson 2: Mark 1:9-15 (Dave Sykes) ▪ Homily (Rev. Bruce Steinway) ▪ Hymn after Homily: Restore In Us, O God (Author: Carl P. Daw Jr.) ▪ Hymn after The Lord's Prayer: I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (Spiritual) ▪ Final Hymn: A Mighty Fortress is our God (Martin Luther) ▪ Postlude: 620(BWV) Christ, by Whose All-Saving Light (J.S. Bach) The Facebook Live video of St. Mark’s monthly 9 AM Lutheran Morning Prayer Service on 02-21-2021, The 1st Sunday of Lent, in St. Mark's Chapel. Because of restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic the church has no congregation present. Pastor Bruce Steinway officiated. Music Director Charles Houmard played organ. UConn student Angela Garcia-Clark was the soloist. Parishioner David Sykes read the Lessons. Link to the Video Recording The Service Booklet for the First Sunday in Lent's 9 AM Service. Rev. Bruce Steinway, retired Lutheran priest and St. Mark’s parishioner, officiates for our monthly Lutheran Morning Prayer Service. The booklet includes the hymn lyrics. St. Mark's Chapel's Ash Wednesday services in a time of the coronavirus. Information about Facebook Live services and Ashes to Go Kits.
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